Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lameness Abounds

Dang, you'd think if I was going to start blogging and make all kinds of wild promises, I'd at least give it the old college try and post more than once in two months, right?

I thought so too but noooooooo. Christmas kicked my butt and now 2009 is threatening me bodily harm as well. What did I do to deserve this abuse? Oh yes, I remember now. Uh hmmm....let's just move on, shall we?

What are your plans for new years eve? Whatever you do, don't drink and drive or drive and drink or drink and drunk dial. Those things are never as good an idea the next day as they seemed at the moment. Trust me, I know this because I've been told.

Happy new year folks. Have fun but be safe.

1 comment:

Go ahead. You know you want to.