Friday, November 21, 2008

Hey Y'all

I'm a rambler. No, not a gambler....I said a rambler. I like to ramble on and on about little of nothing but sometimes I've got really good things to say so you should listen up so you don't miss the good parts of my random ramblings.

Damn, I should have named this blog Random Ramblings of a Raucously Righteous Retard. But I guess that's not a very politically correct thing to say, now is it? I confess. You made me tell the truth so I'll tell the truth. I'm. Not. That. Interested. In. Being. Politically. Correct. so deal with it or go elsewhere.

Don't worry, I will try to be nice and say things like "oh my, I see a very sweet and beautiful midget over there." I won't be crude. GAW.

I'll start adding pictures and maybe we'll play games and there will be contests and someone will win big prizes like Wii, or stand mixers, or 500 in cash or even better things like trips to Hawaii, or Jets. O.k so maybe I'd better start a little lower on the prize pole and give out the tiny worthless things first just to see how many of you ingrates stick around for the small stuff.

Get ready. We'll have our very first contest, uh, just as soon as I figure out what I want y'all to do to win something fabulous.

Tah Tah Dahlings

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