Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weight, Wrinkles and Wrong Doings

I'm in a quandary. I think it must be the moon phases or the after Christmas blahs, or maybe it's my age. I'm tired of trying to figure out the cause and ready to start formulating a cure.

What makes us restless as we get older? Why does it seem some people age gracefully and some of us look like we've played our last game in the middle of a cow pen and slid into home plate with our britches torn and dirty and covered from head to toe with crap? I fall into the latter category, by the way.

I'm going to take my life back and stop complaining about weight, wrinkles, and wrong doings. It's a new year and it's time for a new me. Amen

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Resolution Time

I've been doing a lot of thinking about things I want to change or achieve in 2009. The list, so far, is longer than anyone wants to sit through and besides, I can make all the promises in the world but I won't keep them so why bother?

After giving it lots of thought, I think I'll list a few resolutions that I'm sure I can keep.

1. Not lose 30 pounds by 2010. (2010?? Are you kidding me? I'm that old???????)

2. Not run a marathon.

3. Not stop eating dessert.

4. Not be stressed out most of the time.

There, now I feel much better since I've made resolutions I'm sure I will keep. I hope I prove myself wrong.

I guess only time will tell.